Brady Kazar

Your gift could provide a one month supply of Tamoxifen, a drug used to treat breast cancers that rely on estrogen for growth, to a patient in need. Every 60 seconds, somewhere in the world, someone dies from breast cancer. Your gift will help save lives! Your gift could provide a screening mammogram to an uninsured or underinsured person in need. Your gift could provide a breast prosthesis for an uninsured or underinsured woman in need. Your gift will help us reach our bold goal to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50% in the U.S. within the next decade!

My Story


This year I'm merging my love of running with my passion for helping to create a world without breast cancer by joining the Komen Race for the CURE at the end of September in Chicago.  Will you please join me in this fight by making a donation today? $1, $5, $10 - it all makes the difference to someone who is bravely having to face this disease.

TODAY we can reduce breast cancer deaths by 30% just by providing equitable access to quality care, which Komen does through the Patient Care Center and supporting state and federal legislation like the MBC Access to Care Act. 

TODAY we need every dollar possible to invest in research to help find the cures and discover better treatment outcomes that work for everyone. Komen's ShareForCures is an all-inclusive breast cancer research registry that will help turbocharge breast cancer research by bringing the information together of anyone and everyone who has or has had breast cancer. 

TODAY ending breast cancer needs YOU, it needs ALL OF US!

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Your gift could provide a one month supply of Tamoxifen, a drug used to treat breast cancers that rely on estrogen for growth, to a patient in need. Every 60 seconds, somewhere in the world, someone dies from breast cancer. Your gift will help save lives! Your gift could provide a screening mammogram to an uninsured or underinsured person in need. Your gift could provide a breast prosthesis for an uninsured or underinsured woman in need. Your gift will help us reach our bold goal to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50% in the U.S. within the next decade!
Brady's Donors:
Fundraising Honor Roll
Mr. Brady Kazar
Rebecca Popham
Samantha Lollar
Cassie Cecil
Laurel Pointer