PINK LADIES is More Than Pink

Welcome to our PINK LADIES community team page!

As a member of this team, we are each playing a part in helping Susan G. Komen® in their ONE mission to end breast cancer forever.  

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for joining our team, PINK LADIES!

At the beginning of this year I did some personal reflection and realized some of my most proud moments in life were when I fund-raised money to help others. As many of you know Cancer has affected me in many ways.  I have lost my dad and sister to Cancer and my mom is a breast cancer survivor. 

This past fall my cousin, Amanda Hespen, ( on my mom's side of the family) was diagnosed with Breast Cancer.  It was a big shock to all of us, as she is so young. Amanda's journey over the last six months has been nothing short of inspirational. Throughout her journey she has cried, but more importantly she has embraced every moment and has learned to look at life in a different perspective. She has also been bold of enough to share her personal story and wise enough to educate all of us on what we can do to try to stop Breast Cancer. 

In addition to Amanda, my cousin, Renae Chinn, (on my dad's side of the family) was also diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age and has been cancer free for sixteen years. She has also been brave enough to share her story and has been inspiration to all the lives she has touched. If you ever need some positive vibes, go hang out with Renae. 

As we set out on this journey to fund-raise money, I ask for you to just register.  It doesn't matter how much you fund-raise, as long as you can join us. If you can't join us, please consider donating. The money raised will fund research to discover more effective treatments, as well as vital patient support to help connect people with things like breast cancer screenings, diagnostics, treatment assistance and so much more.


We're stronger together. United as ONE, we can support those who need help today, while fearlessly searching for tomorrow's cures.

Please join us in this fight by making your ONE donation today?

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