The Petals and Pugs Brigade is More Than Pink


Our Story

Petals and Pugs Brigade

In October 2023, I (Kim Wilson) was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Since then, I have been surrounded by a badass army of my husband (Kevin), Snuggling Pug (Ripple), family, friends, co-workers, doctors, and nurses. Everyone has played a critical part to my long-ass cancer journey: 20 weeks of chemotherapy (Shrink It), Mastectomy (Cut It), and 6 weeks of Radiation (Zap It) which started in May. 

What I have learned along the way: 

1. Keep checking your boobs (your girlfriend's, your wife's)! Triple Negative is more likely found in younger females before you're even supposed to get a mammogram. 

2. It's a MYTH that cancer doesn't hurt... mine became very painful as the tumor got larger. The pain was relieved with my 3rd chemotherapy treatment as the tumor shrank. 

3.  How you can support your friend going through breast cancer: do your self-breast exams and if you feel something or your breast gets larger get in for a mammogram. Mammogram's will NOT always catch cancer (BOO) especially if you have dense breast tissue! Be your own advocate and make sure to ask for additional tests either ultrasounds or MRIs that are more effective for detecting cancer.

In 2024 I decided to bring my brigade together for two events: 

The Komen Walk and Pelotonia (

Both organizations are fighting to find a cure for cancer! The money raised for the Komen will fund research to discover more effective treatments, as well as vital patient support to help connect people with things like breast cancer screenings, diagnostics, treatment assistance and so much more.

We are looking to join the fight together to provide hope to Breast Cancer Warriors like myself for a better future! 

Thank you, 
Kim, Kevin and Ripple

Teaser Alert: Look for more to come out on the Petals and Pugs Flower Farm at the Wingfield Farms this summer! 

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Donate today to reduce the number of breast cancer deaths by 50%
in the U.S. by 2026

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Amount Raised

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Our Donors Are More Than Pink™!
Team Honor Roll
Irfan and Betsy Khan
Paul Marshall
Angie Lester
Sarah Martin
Todd Skruck
Mamaw and Papaw
Cansas & Tyler
Heather Brom
Katie Kropko
Kim & Wilson
Kelly Clutter
Marley Myers
Kacey and Rob Schmitt, Kathie Kostura
Aunt MaryLou
Sally Doria
Keirra Bradley
Abby Moser
Stacey Scheiderer
The Greshams
Christine Mikolaj
Alex Anthony
Stacey Scheiderer
Holly Martinez