Judith Stich is more than pink

Your gift could provide a one month supply of Tamoxifen, a drug used to treat breast cancers that rely on estrogen for growth, to a patient in need. Every 60 seconds, somewhere in the world, someone dies from breast cancer. Your gift will help save lives! Your gift could provide a screening mammogram to an uninsured or underinsured person in need. Your gift could provide a breast prosthesis for an uninsured or underinsured woman in need. Your gift will help us reach our bold goal to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50% in the U.S. within the next decade!

My Story

I know what it feels like when receiving biopsy results:  it's malignant.  Your world turns upside down and inside out all at the same time.  I was so very lucky.  My cancer was "in situ".  It was removed by a lumpectomy.  Radiation and Estrogen suppression therapy followed.  After 5 years, my Oncologist "kicked me back into the pond".  I no longer required special following.  

This year's Race for the Cure has taken on new meaning.  A friend was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer.  Because her diagnosis includes highly metastatic propensity, the treatment she faces is aggressive:  chemo followed by two surgeries, then likely more drug therapy.  She holds her head up high.  She gets on the treadmill most days.  She takes time to visit our local gardens and museums.  

This year I race for her and so many more who are in a fight for their life.  Cancer is devastating.  While there are many more treatments there is no cure.  

Susan G Komen is one of the few cancer funds that more than funds research.  It also funds support of patients and families as they endure those treatments offering assistance with everything from transportation, to hotel stays, to home help.

Please consider a donation.  

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Donate today to reduce the number of breast cancer deaths by 50%
in the U.S. by 2026

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Your gift could provide a one month supply of Tamoxifen, a drug used to treat breast cancers that rely on estrogen for growth, to a patient in need. Every 60 seconds, somewhere in the world, someone dies from breast cancer. Your gift will help save lives! Your gift could provide a screening mammogram to an uninsured or underinsured person in need. Your gift could provide a breast prosthesis for an uninsured or underinsured woman in need. Your gift will help us reach our bold goal to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50% in the U.S. within the next decade!
Judith's Donors Are More Than Pink™!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Carolyn McKaughn
Judith Stich
Denise Watson
Maureen Severns
Jan Schnegelsberger
Cathy Ritchie
Ona Lewis
Patty Mabe
Dawn Byrne
Kam Ara