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Northern Illinois and Chicagoland
Katherine Koyak

Central Illinois
Claire Murphy

Please mail checks to the following address:

Northern Illinois and Chicagoland Susan G. Komen
Attn: IL 301
13770 Noel Rd., Ste 801889
Dallas, TX 75380

Central & Southern Illinois Susan G. Komen
Attn: IL 302
13770 Noel Rd., Ste 801889
Dallas, TX 75380

Please make sure to include the ATTN: IL 301 for northern Illinois and Chicagoland and ATTN: IL 302 for Central Illinois when mailing in your gift. This will ensure that your donation is credited to the Illinois Volley for the Cure program. When mailing in a check, please include Illinois Volley for the Cure in the memo line or include a note that states your donation is for Volley for the Cure. Thank you!
komen.org | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use Attn: IL 302 (Central Illinois) or Attn: IL301 (Northern Illinois) | Susan G. Komen
13770 Noel Rd, Ste 801889 Dallas, TX 75380
Phone: 1-877-GO KOMEN
Email: info@komen.org