Our Story

Welcome to our ONE Komen community team page!

As some of you may know, I felt a lump in the shower the same month we moved into our new house. It took over 2 months for me to see the doctors, have my scans, get diagnosed and begin chemo. I had stage 2 Triple Negative Metaplastic Breast Cancer. I am DONE WITH CHEMO and surgery!!! But cancer will always be a part of my new normal. If you are reading this you are already part of my cancer army, I am SO GRATEFUL for your prayers, encouragement and support!  So let’s do it some more and make some good happen together!!! THANK YOU again for following me on this wild ride!!!

As a member of this team, we are each playing a part in helping Susan G. Komen® in their ONE mission to end breast cancer forever.

The money raised will fund research to discover more effective treatments, as well as vital patient support to help connect people with things like breast cancer screenings, diagnostics, treatment assistance and so much more.

We're stronger together.  United as ONE, we can support those who need help today, while fearlessly searching for tomorrow's cures.

Please join us in this fight by making your ONE donation today?

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