Donate to Hakuna Ma TaTas

Donate today to reduce the number of breast cancer deaths by 50%
in the U.S. in the next 10 years


Amount Raised

Our Story

I started my cancer journey in 2022 by finding a "sponge bob" lump in my left breast. As an engineer I wanted immediate analysis of the finding. Quick was not part of this journey, answers and a plan for the path forward takes days, weeks and months. My cancer did not allow the options for roping in a plastic surgeon or recontructive surgery due to time.

My first inclination was to hide my situation from everyone. After consideration I decided perhaps my tale would help others thrown into this blender of chaos. It was a good decision, my family, friends, co-workers (both past and present) and those on the peripheral were my anchor. Coming through the storm alive and with a future is a true blessing. I am left with a chest of a 4 year old but maybe that means the heart of one too

I was encouraged by a close friend to be a captain of a walk team. WHATTT? That means stepping out of my hiding from life and taking action. Although my life PC (pre-cancer) was full of God’s work, I wasn’t sure I was ready to come out of the my closet (that sounds funny). So here we are. Join me and my team. Whether you walk with us, sponsor or even have a new awareness, thank you.

If you decide to support me, your support helps us get ONE step closer to a world without breast cancer. Funds raised help support breakthrough research and provide assistance to those facing breast cancer today who need our support. 


Hakuna Ma TaTas

Donate to Hakuna Ma TaTas

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Our Donors Are More Than Pink™!
Team Honor Roll
RGD Project Management, Inc.
Michael A. Crabtree / Mac Pass
Mary King
Reece Ralston
Deborah Andleton
Bob Gottberg, Dewon Forte, Nancy and Father
Wayne A Hemingway
Dirk Gale
Terry Gibbins, Joe Byrd
Jason May
Jason King (RGD)
Gary Norris
Milton Kendall
Dave and Cristina Pierce
Laura Bulluck
Heath Smitherman
Jack Deloso
Brian Sumner
Mrs. Anne Vranesh
Gloria/Harry Lerner
Glenn Cornelisse
Alice Walker
Molly Malloy
Brenda Shepard
Nicholas Weigele
Thomas Ryan
Rhonda Pace
Allan Sudman
Judy Borge
Diane Andolsen
Mr. John Emery Stolarik Jr.
Frankie Womack
Steven Hellowell
Ashley Jones
Jordan Sharpe
Lisa Core
Nina Emanuel
Victoria Tallman
Cornell Chandler
Greg Robinson
Peter Camilleri
Linda Adams
Erin Rollwagen
Dana Danger