Donate to Mia's Triumphant Troop

Donate today to reduce the number of breast cancer deaths by 50%
in the U.S. in the next 10 years


Amount Raised

Our Story

Welcome to our ONE Komen community team page!

As a member of this team, we are each playing a part in helping Susan G. Komen® in their ONE mission to end breast cancer forever.

The money raised will fund research to discover more effective treatments, as well as vital patient support to help connect people with things like breast cancer screenings, diagnostics, treatment assistance and so much more.

We're stronger together. United as ONE, we can support those who need help today, while fearlessly searching for tomorrow's cures.

Please join us in this fight by making your ONE donation today?

Your donation, no matter the amount, will make a significant impact in the fight against breast cancer. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by this disease.

Please consider donating today to help us reach our goal and support this important cause. Every contribution counts!

Thank you in advance for your generosity and support.

By donating AND participating in the Race for the Cure with our team, you will be raising awareness about the importance of early detection, prevention, and ongoing support for breast cancer patients and survivors.

Lace up your boots, join our troop, and lets walk towards a future without breast cancer.

Mia    #survivor

Donate to Mia's Triumphant Troop

Add your name to the list!

Our Donors Are More Than Pink™!
Team Honor Roll
Ms. Renee Woodridge
Lola Pittman
Cheryl Williams
Anita Minor
Patrice Hall