Donate to Save the Mommies

Donate today to reduce the number of breast cancer deaths by 50%
in the U.S. in the next 10 years


Amount Raised

Our Story

If you are on this page, you probably know why we race. But, if you don't, here is our story. My sisters and I started this team after we lost our sister Shel to breast cancer in 2010, just a few months after her 40th birthday. It has become a very important day for our family. 

We do this every year to remember Shel, to honor her, and to make a difference in her name. At the race, you can find us wearing the beautiful picture on this page pinned to our backs. A smile that radiant should be shared. 

If you can help us in our fight to imagine and create a world without breast cancer, we greatly appreciate it! Thank you! 

We're stronger together.  United as ONE, we can support those who need help today, while fearlessly searching for tomorrow's cures.

Please join us in this fight by making your ONE donation today?

Donate to Save the Mommies

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Our Donors Are More Than Pink™!
Team Honor Roll
Jennifer Moeller