Mariana Brandao is more than pink

Your gift could provide a one month supply of Tamoxifen, a drug used to treat breast cancers that rely on estrogen for growth, to a patient in need. Every 60 seconds, somewhere in the world, someone dies from breast cancer. Your gift will help save lives! Your gift could provide a screening mammogram to an uninsured or underinsured person in need. Your gift could provide a breast prosthesis for an uninsured or underinsured woman in need. Your gift will help us reach our bold goal to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50% in the U.S. within the next decade!

My Story


The fight against breast cancer is a cause close to my heart. Throughout my life, I've seen the impact of this disease on too many friends and family. That's why I'm incredibly passionate about Susan G. Komen's mission to create a world without breast cancer.

This year, I'm taking action by being a Captain of a corporate team for Susan G. Komen's Race for the Cure at Vida Shoes International. 

Your contribution, big or small, can make a real difference. Every dollar donated helps Susan G. Komen:

  • Fund innovative breast cancer research to find better treatments and ultimately a cure.
  • Provide education and awareness programs to empower women to take charge of their breast health.
  • Offer critical support services to patients and their families facing breast cancer.

Together, we can create a world where no one faces breast cancer alone.

Please consider donating to my fundraising page and help me reach my goal.

Thank you for your generosity!

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Donate today to reduce the number of breast cancer deaths by 50%
in the U.S. by 2026

My Goal

Amount Raised

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Team Captain

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Your gift could provide a one month supply of Tamoxifen, a drug used to treat breast cancers that rely on estrogen for growth, to a patient in need. Every 60 seconds, somewhere in the world, someone dies from breast cancer. Your gift will help save lives! Your gift could provide a screening mammogram to an uninsured or underinsured person in need. Your gift could provide a breast prosthesis for an uninsured or underinsured woman in need. Your gift will help us reach our bold goal to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50% in the U.S. within the next decade!
Mariana's Donors Are More Than Pink™!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Barbara Kelly
Mariana Brandao