Lisa Kummer is more than pink

Your gift could provide a one month supply of Tamoxifen, a drug used to treat breast cancers that rely on estrogen for growth, to a patient in need. Every 60 seconds, somewhere in the world, someone dies from breast cancer. Your gift will help save lives! Your gift could provide a screening mammogram to an uninsured or underinsured person in need. Your gift could provide a breast prosthesis for an uninsured or underinsured woman in need. Your gift will help us reach our bold goal to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50% in the U.S. within the next decade!

Lisa's Story


Thanks for visiting my site! 

I am "Racing" (or walking slowly) for a Cure to help the 1 in 8 women who will get breast cancer, and to help find a cure so I can live as long as possible! 

I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in the fall of 2021. I went through chemo, a mastectomy and radiation. The cancer returned 8 months later, and I now LIVE with metastatic breast cancer. My cancer is triple negative, which is not ideal. This means I will be on chemo likely my whole life, until there is a cure

My cancer is now located heavily in my right lung, in my lymph nodes in my neck, some random small spots in different parts of my body, and recently it mutated and moved into my brain. I have finished full brain radiation, and I'm praying that its frying all 60 lesions in my brain. 

My "new normal" now includes weekly blood draws, chemo pills, blood transfusions every 2-4 weeks (thank you O- doners!), and the occasional draining of fluid near my lungs. Its a lot to manage, but its now part of my daily life just like any other chronic disease. 

I don't let my cancer define me. I am still me, who has so much to give to this world. I get through this journey by focusing on gratitude and finding the silver lining even in the worst situations. I know I am going through this journey for a reason, and its likely to help inspire others, help others who are going through cancer treatments by being transparent about my experiences and sharing the tips and tricks that I've learned. And I have an amazing support system that I know will respond to my call to raise funds for a cure. Because I need a cure, 1 in 8 women need a cure for this horrible disease. 

I am grateful for any dollar you can contribute

You are also welcome to join our team to help raise funds and walk with us on May 11th. 

I am grateful every day for all of the people around us that help lift us up. I am truly blessed with an amazing support system!

Thank you for any support you can provide to our Race for a Cure team! 

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Donate today to reduce the number of breast cancer deaths by 50%
in the U.S. by 2026

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Your gift could provide a one month supply of Tamoxifen, a drug used to treat breast cancers that rely on estrogen for growth, to a patient in need. Every 60 seconds, somewhere in the world, someone dies from breast cancer. Your gift will help save lives! Your gift could provide a screening mammogram to an uninsured or underinsured person in need. Your gift could provide a breast prosthesis for an uninsured or underinsured woman in need. Your gift will help us reach our bold goal to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50% in the U.S. within the next decade!
Lisa's Donors Are More Than Pink™!
Fundraising Honor Roll
TIger Pistol
Shannon Voto and Max Krueger
Tim & Becky Grosshuesch - MG
Lisa (Joe's mom)
William Davnie
Matching Gift - Nagel, Winston, Wright, & Charto
Nic Meyer
Jac Berling
Kathy Richardson
Michael & Kate Henriksen
Tim & Becky Grosshuesch
Latscha Petty
Stier Family
Pam and Bill Doucette
Kelly Manderfeld - MG
Michelle Sack - MG
Mandi Soderlund - MG
Courtney O. - MG
Derek Shoden
Kim Daly - MG
Klaus Family
* nVent Foundation
Emily Steffel
Nancy DeGRof
Paul Kelzer
Rachelle Johnson
The Omangs
Mr. Jonathan Jellinger
The Pinter Family
Myron Jones
Shannon & Rob Griffin
Sarah Y
Lana Slygh
Janis Sacco
Ann Mikulay
Matt Wolf
Kelly Manderfeld
Jill King
Jenna Richardson
Kim Daly
Michelle Olseth
John Von Auerbach
Michelle Sack
Dvorak Family
Megan Levitt
Shelly Saboorian
Susie LeMoine
Greg and Mary
Chris Biesanz
Krista Dusil
Susan Willey
Jeannette Parkinson
Lizzie Parsons
Adam Grocholski - MG
Andrew Deans
Chris Turany
The Segedys
Emily Gilbert - MG
Heather Leiferman
Courtney O
The Smestads
Caden, Lucas, Lauren, and Bill Kretsch
The Tarbell Family
Jen Biggs
Mandi Soderlund
Lisa H
Dita S
Christopher Campbell
Lisa Kummer
Michelle, Dale, Jacob & Rachael Harris
Jason Goetz
Emily Floyd
Grocholski Family
Erin Haust
Lisa Kummer
Ann Mikulay - MG
Katie and Andy Kummer
Aria Klaus
Tara House
Jeff and Marsha
Mariah Messer
Marianne Erickson
Loni Meinen
Sharon Pleimling
Brigid Gunn
Jared Nypen
Matt Kummer
Michael Lundgren - MG
Berg Family
Jen Mahoney
Melinda & Richard Marshall
Jessica Summers
Brad Parcella
Cory and Sommer Rian
Melinda Hohncke
Debbie Olson
Bennett Goiffon - MG
Alaina Burgess
Jodi Oster
Josh and Tristan Sewall
Jon Zetah
Pete Engebretson
Emily Gilbert
Nici Jordan
Wendy Fields
Kierston Vaughn
Sara DaSilva
Arlene Freeberg
Will Culbertson
On behalf of the Lindsay women who fought too
Cortney Rosen
Rudeen family
Diane & Jim Cook
Jill WRight
Renee W
The Fendler Family
Brooke Winston
Kerry Bundy and family
Christine Thompson
Jodi Charto and Family
Julie Henson
Jean Ann Buller
Rickers Family
Josh Sewall - MG
Lauren Wishna
Janet Triplett
Sheila Sheldon
Sara P
Elle k.
Michael Lundgren
Gloria Devine
Ashley Colford VanGuilder
Elizabeth Johnson
Jaclyn Brottman
Rebecca Warren
Jon Gotreau
Sarah Petwrs
Rick/Brenda Jones
Maura Sackett
Kris Leary
Brent Peterson
Erica W
Danielle Pahula
Jessica Rakowiecki
Jill Kulbe
Andrew & Becca Pitan
Jagger Brottman
Grace Augustin
Lynne Davidson
Mr. Justin Jabs