Patty Cramer is more than pink

Your gift could provide a one month supply of Tamoxifen, a drug used to treat breast cancers that rely on estrogen for growth, to a patient in need. Every 60 seconds, somewhere in the world, someone dies from breast cancer. Your gift will help save lives! Your gift could provide a screening mammogram to an uninsured or underinsured person in need. Your gift could provide a breast prosthesis for an uninsured or underinsured woman in need. Your gift will help us reach our bold goal to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50% in the U.S. within the next decade!

In Memory of Sherri Houghton

This year, I am dedicating my fundraising campaign in memory of Sherri Houghton. Sherri and my sister, Jeanne, worked together for years at Park Street Middle School and were close friends.  Throughout Jeanne's fight, Sherri (and her husband, Tim) were there to do anything they could. Sherri took lesson plans and school things back and forth and would occasionally show up with Graeter's ice cream. She stayed in touch with Jeanne by phone and email when she couldn't visit and was a dear, dear friend.

Sherri had her own battles with Metastatic Breast Cancer, but I never heard her complain and her beautiful smile was always there. Sadly, Sherri passed away last September. 

Komen has provided more than a BILLION dollars for breast cancer research; some of it right here at the James Cancer Center. They help pay for mammograms for uninsured and underinsured women and men.  Komen also provides educational information which is helpful as patients are trying to navigate their path.

Please consider donating in memory of Sherri and also Jeanne.  I picture them smiling together once again.


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Donate today to reduce the number of breast cancer deaths by 50%
in the U.S. by 2026

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Your gift could provide a one month supply of Tamoxifen, a drug used to treat breast cancers that rely on estrogen for growth, to a patient in need. Every 60 seconds, somewhere in the world, someone dies from breast cancer. Your gift will help save lives! Your gift could provide a screening mammogram to an uninsured or underinsured person in need. Your gift could provide a breast prosthesis for an uninsured or underinsured woman in need. Your gift will help us reach our bold goal to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50% in the U.S. within the next decade!
Patty's Donors Are More Than Pink™!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Meredith Bennett
Debby and John Mellett
Megan and Joe
Darylynn Ross
Ms. Susan Kirchner
Jeff and Laura Sanders
Organization Fidelity Charitable
Susan Nolan
Kelly Kendall
Mike Remington
Mrs. Kristine Elaine Koch
Dottie Humbert
James Smith
Karyl Hanhilammi
Sara Sanders
Patti Rohr
Michael Emich
Kimberly Wilson
Heather Levingston
Rozanne Emich
Gertrude Pfeil (Aunt Gert)
Peggy Bowman
Tim Houghton
Janet M Lutkus
Ruth Thomson
Mary Smalley
Mary Bell Nyman
Jeff Kruithoff
Robert J Butler
Linda Casper
Carolyn and Mike McKinley
Judith Smith
Gregg Cosmar
Ms. Pam Chaney
Dana B
Margaret Wlfe
Mrs. Amy Borton
John Petrehn
Roger and Carol Moore
Vicki Wilcox Trein
Ana Adams
Cardenzana Family Trust Victor F Cardenzana
Catherine 'Cathy' Ciresi
Larry R Cook
Susan Guy
Mrs. Jeanne McKenzie
Amy Medford
Diane Snow
Beth Davidson