Becca's Backers

Our Story

Becca's Story...

In June 2022, I turned 40. My husband and I just got back from a trip to New Orleans, and I celebrated my birthday around family and friends. Two weeks later, I had my first mammogram. After the mammogram, they told me that I would be called back for a 3d mammogram and an ultrasound. They said not to worry, they call at least 90% of women back on their first mammogram. A week later, I am lying on a table getting my ultrasound. The tech was very chatty and energetic. Suddenly, she got really quiet and I know she has found something. On July 11, 2020, exactly a month after my 40th birthday, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  After many scans, they found it had spread to my liver. I am now a 40-year-old woman, with a husband and 2 kids and have metastatic breast cancer. After 6 chemo treatments, a single mastectomy, and radiation, I am currently in maintenance stage. I receive infusions every 3 weeks for at least a year.  My last scan showed no signs of cancer. This experience has taught me a lot of things. 1) I am a bad ass. Yes, there are good days and there are bad days but because of my fight, there are more good days than bad. 2) I am loved. I cannot believe all the love and support my family, friends, and co-workers have shown me. From cards, to flowers, meal trains, delivery of the best brownies in the world, house cleaning, etc…I am truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. 3) My husband and my children are my world (I already knew this, but it was confirmed many times). Overall, this past year has been very hard, but I know through the love and support of my friends and family, my bad ass self will beat this disease.

Welcome to our ONE Komen community team page!

As a member of this team, we are each playing a part in helping Susan G. Komen® in their ONE mission to end breast cancer forever.

The money raised will fund research to discover more effective treatments, as well as vital patient support to help connect people with things like breast cancer screenings, diagnostics, treatment assistance and so much more.

We're stronger together.  United as ONE, we can support those who need help today, while fearlessly searching for tomorrow's cures.

Please join us in this fight by making your ONE donation today?

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