Emily Balawejder

More Than Pink Walk Alumni
Team Captain

My Achievements

Made a Personal Donation


Milestone: $100

$250 $250

Milestone: $250


Milestone: $500


Milestone: $1000

Received Five Donations

Hit My Goal

Lorraine's Steel Magnolias


It has been 12 years since my mom called me on a golden October morning to share with me the few words that defined five years of our lives and shaped what was to come: 

"I have cancer."

The call came when I was in the Hartford airport, traveling for work. My knees buckled and I didn't feel strong enough to do much of anything in that moment. I can remember staring out of the airplane window as we were landing, completely taken by the autumn beauty of the New England town, and wondering, as my knees buckled, how something that was dying could shine so brightly.

The five years she lived with cancer proved to me that there is a beauty in loving every moment we have--and she showed me each and every day and with every twist of the journey ahead just what it meant for something that was experiencing a natural season--a death--might shine like gold. 

One step at a time. One day at a time. And love each moment and each day.

Somehow, it's been nearly seven years since she told me she was worried about George Clooney after Amal gave birth to twins, raspily told me that she was ok, and demanded that I "go to work." Hours later, she ate her last ice cream cone (bless her for that one--ice cream is always a good idea) and departed.

Things change, but they don't. I miss her like it was just yesterday. It feels like it's been lifetimes.

Cancer need not be a death sentence. Since that time, I've been a tireless advocate of early detection, trust in medical advances, and support in all parts of our journey, even when the hurdles seem immense.



I am dedicated to Komen's ONE mission of ending breast cancer forever, and I need your help. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today in support of my fundraising efforts.

Your support helps us get ONE step closer to a world without breast cancer. Funds raised help support breakthrough research and provide assistance to those facing breast cancer today who need our support. 

Whether it’s emotional support via Komen’s helpline, financial support through Komen’s treatment assistance program, or help navigating their care journey, Komen will be there for them.

In moments like this, your generosity can make a real difference. Together, let’s show breast cancer patients there’s a whole community standing by their side.

Will you please join me in this fight by making a donation today?

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Emily's Donors Are MORE THAN PINK®!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Zach Stevenson
Adam Balawejder
Sarah Spiegel
Courtney Seinar
Kerri Kimberley
Ms. Emily Balawejder
Sonja Sweterlitsch
Jan Sandford
Robin Say
Elaine Lee
Lou Castelli
Amie Downs
David Say
Trudy Williams
Ann Urwin
Pam Komar
Leigh Frank
Adele Morelli
Steve Sokoloski
Caitlin Skaff