In 2001, my world changed when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was a battle that would leave a lasting impact on our family. A decade later, in 2011, my sister received the same devastating diagnosis. And then, ten years after that, I, too, was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Through each of these experiences, one truth has stood firm: the importance of breast cancer awareness. From the moment my mom was diagnosed, I became committed to spreading this message, knowing how crucial early detection and research are to saving lives. My own journey has led me to take that commitment further—I’ve donated my cancer cells to research, hoping that one day a cure will be found for future generations.
As a mother of 4 young adult children, 2 of them young women, I am determined to do everything in my power to protect them and others from the pain breast cancer brings. This is why I am so passionate about raising awareness and funds for research. With your help, we can make strides toward a cure and help countless families facing the same battle. Together, we will make a difference.