Krissy Kicked Cancer

Our Story

Do you believe in guardian angels? Because I do.

May 6, 2016
It was the summer before my Sophomore year at The University of Texas. I remember sitting on my bed, overwhelmed with emotions while I reflected on a challenging first year of college. As I sat, I watched two white feathers fall from the sky and land on my window sill. 

According to a trusted source, the symbolism of white feathers are:

"A sign of acknowledgment that someone or something in the spirit world is looking out for you, keeping you safe and empowering you to whatever path you set. If you see a feather, your angel is near to remind you that you are safe with them."

I felt a sense of relief, knowing my guardian angel had been with me all along. What I didn't realize is that these feathers had nothing to do with me.

May 26, 2016
My parents called my brother on Facetime and told everyone to come to the living room. I knew what was coming. The day before, I saw my mom crying and came across photos of her bruised ribcage on her phone.

I didn't want to believe it was true, but when my dad said she had Stage 2 breast cancer, my nightmare became a reality. Over the summer, my mom went through an intense round of chemo and radiation. It took away something she loved the most, her hair.

You don't realize how fragile life is until you see your 110-pound mom being rushed to the ER while running a 100+ degree fever and suffering from unimaginable pain.

She never gave up, though. Defeated, tired, and frail, she continued to live life, work, and love her family. Your perspective on life changes when illness directly affects your family. When you think you have faced your greatest hardship, which at the time was attaining a grade point average, you might need a couple of white feathers to help you realize how much bigger life is.

My mom's guardian angels stayed by her side, kept her safe, and empowered her to fight the fight.

This year she is eight years cancer free. I share this story to empower you to become part of the fight. Donate for your moms, aunts, sisters, friends, or anyone you know that's been affected by breast cancer. If you don't know anyone who has faced one of life's hardest challenges, I encourage you to donate to save others and raise awareness.

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