Celebrate Jolly

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Our Story

Welcome to our Celebrate Jolly team page!

Jolly ... my mom ... always smiling, always positive...taken too early from us by this horrible disease breast cancer! 

For over 20 + years we have been fundraising individually and as a team to help find a cure for breast cancer. Each year we hear of new drugs, new treatments and more help provided in this fight against breast cancer. BUT ... we have a long way to go before the need for more fundraising goes away. Breast cancer seems to find family, friends and because of this we NEED to keep fundraising in the hope it makes a difference.

The money raised will fund research to discover more effective treatments, as well as vital patient support to help connect people with things like breast cancer screenings, diagnostics, treatment assistance and so much more.

Thank you for your support over the years. Please join us in this fight by making your tax deductible donation today.


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