Jenn Mattson

My Achievements


Milestone: $100

Received Five Donations

My Story

In February 14, 2024 I went for my yearly routine mammogram. The next day I received a call to return for ultrasound of my right breast. After ultrasound, I was informed that I would need a breast biopsy. Then on February 27, 2024 I received the diagnosis of Invasive duct Al carcinoma stage 2, ER/PR+ HER2-. I began my birthday month (March) with MRI of breasts followed by oncologist and breast surgeon appointments. MRI and US showed no lymph node involvement so I was told that if nothing changes with surgery, I’d need 3 weeks of radiation treatment followed by estrogen blocking therapy. On April 24, 2024 I had right lumpectomy with sentinel lymph node removal. Unfortunately the three lymph nodes removed came back positive for cancer. I went back for surgery to have 10 more lymph nodes removed and 1 ended up being positive. So, I went from thinking I’d only need radiation to finding out I need 16 chemo rounds then 16 radiation treatments. After that I will start estrogen blocker treatment for 5+ years. My life changed in a blink of an eye from a routine mammogram. I know I will get through this and now want to spread awareness to everyone that early detection does save lives!!!

This year, I joined the Komen community and registered for the Susan G. Komen MORE THAN PINK Walk. I am dedicated to Komen's mission of ending breast cancer forever, and I need your help. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today in support of my fundraising efforts.

Your support helps us get one step closer to a world without breast cancer. Funds raised help support breakthrough research and provide assistance to those facing breast cancer today who need our support. Whether it’s emotional support via Komen’s helpline, financial support through Komen’s financial assistance program, or navigation services to break down barriers to care, Komen will be there for them.

Ending breast cancer needs all of us, and your generosity can make a real difference. Together, let’s show breast cancer patients there’s a whole community standing by their side.

Will you please join me in this fight by making your donation today?
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Jenn's Donors Are MORE THAN PINK®!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Allyson Mudge
Michelle Colangelo
Julie Hartman
Aunt Chris
Michelle Mckay