Cassie Alexander

More Than Pink Walk Alumni
Team Captain

My Achievements

Made a Personal Donation

My Story

After 15 years of participating and supporting the Susan G. Komen walks in Atlanta, walking in honor and memory of those impacted, I will walk and lead this team again this year, but now as a fellow breast cancer survivor. 

I have been very fortunate in my journey. I’ve been lifted up and surrounded by so much love from everyone around me. My cancer’s ‘personality’ was favorable. We caught it early. I knew my dense breast tissue could hide malignancies, so I pushed for more testing. That is the only reason we found my breast cancer that was hard to image. Otherwise, I’d be none the wiser now. 

We will walk in October in honor and memory of all impacted by breast cancer, and to increase awareness. Find out if you have dense breast tissue. Ask questions. Ask if more testing wound be beneficial. Talk to your doctor about your risk for breast cancer.  Be informed. 

Will you please join me in this fight by making your donation today?
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Cassie Alexander