The Boobless Baker ft. Ginger's Breasties

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Our Story

Katie and Olivia met at last year's More Than Pink Walk and became friends through our shared passion of advocating for breast cancer research, reform and awareness. A common shared phrase is "fuck cancer!" 

Katie was diagnosed in the end of 2022 with Metastatic Inflammatory Breast Cancer and has been fighting hard for herself and others facing breast cancer ever since. Her positive attitude and fighting spirit are inspiring, but we hope for a time when she doesn't have to be so strong or worry about her next scan. 

Olivia's mother Michelle "Ginger" Griswold was also diagnosed with Metastatic Inflammatory Breast Cancer in the end of 2022, but unfortunately passed away from the cancer in August of 2023. Olivia continues the fight in memory of her mother, and to help prevent others from having to go through a similar battle. 

Both Katie and Olivia volunteer with Komen (and other breast cancer charities/organizations) and are Advocacy Ambassadors for Komen, helping to ignite reform and funding change on the government level. Katie was event selected to speak with Congress in DC this March! We both hope for a day free from cancer. Until then, unite with us to say FUCK CANCER and help us raise funds today! 

(Read more about each of us on our team member pages)

The money our team raises will fund research to discover more effective treatments, as well as vital patient support to help connect people with things like breast cancer education & information, emotional support, patient navigation, financial assistance and so much more.

Ending breast cancer needs all of us. United together, we can support those who need help today, while fearlessly searching for tomorrow's cures.

Please join us in this fight by making your donation today!

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