Amy's Story (it's been almost 10 years!)
Almost 10 years ago to the day, I was bra shopping with Julia and looked down and saw a little "lump" on my breast. Needless to say, I was a little surprised - but given I had no family history and I was healthy (training for the Boston marathon) and young (Ish!) - why would I have breast cancer? SO....I went for my annual mammogram which just so happened to be scheduled In the coming weeks and lucky for me - I was told, everything looks good! PHEW! BUT there was a BUT.....but, because you have that tiny lump - let's do an ultrasound....and that's when It all started....very long story short....I was one of the 1 In 8 who would be diagnosed with breast cancer. And why wasn't It detected on my mammogram? Because I have extremely dense breast tissue and cancer can't be seen on dense breasts. Learn more about what dense breast tissue looks like here.
And here I am - 10 years later - fundraising for Susan G. Komen because here at SGK, we fund research which wIll help fInd the cures to thIs complIcated dIsease....we advocate for legIslatIon that wIll change laws so I won't have to pay out of pocked for expensIve dIagnosItc screenIngs....we help those diagnosed wIth breast cancer every day through our patIent care center.
Almost 43,000 people will die of breast cancer this year – there is still work to do! Please help me raise money for Susan G. Komen so my 3 beautiful daughters never have to hear the words “you have breast cancer” and so we find the cures so if my breast cancer wants to come back – we can get it before it gets me!