Lynne Dunn

More Than Pink Walk Alumni
Team Captain
Top Fundraiser

My Achievements

Top Fundraiser

Made a Personal Donation


Milestone: $100

$250 $250

Milestone: $250


Milestone: $500


Milestone: $1000

My Story

Just when I thought it was ok to exhale, we heard from our old nemesis again…breast cancer.

This past year, when we should have been celebrating the holidays, we were instead visiting doctors and surgeons. This time it was my other sister, Mary. Same cancer, different prognosis. After a lumpectomy and radiation, she is cancer free and doing great.

In the last few months, I’ve met many brave beautiful women who’ve gone through this journey and came out on the other side. I’ve also lost a beloved Aunt this year. I’m scared. I’m worried. I’m strong. And I’m ready to walk…again.

This has renewed my desire to help raise money to fund research and support patients dealing with this terrible disease. I’ve re-registered my team #strength and would love for you to join me on walk day. Please consider making a tax deductible donation or join my team and we will lock arms and walk together towards a cure. Breast cancer…you think you’re coming for me, but I’m coming for you!

#strength #youremyperson #imissmybestfriend #illnevernotrememberyou #strongertogether #morethanpink #cancersucks

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My Donors Are MORE THAN PINK®!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Lynne Dunn
James Bernard
Liz Oppenheim
Kathy McDermott
Heather Primeau
Karen Uttecht
Joseph Cloutier
Karyn Puleo
Brigid Secchiaroli
Don Cloutier
Cheri Patron
Michelle Mannion
Pamela Trainor
Diane Colucci