Women of the OAG

Top Team

Our Story

The Women of the OAG is a team of employees (both men and women) from the Attorney General’s Office that formed last year with a mission to walk with and to support all those who have been impacted by breast cancer.  Despite the rain, this team showed up for this very important cause!  We hope to do the same this year – hopefully without the rain!

The money our team raises will fund research to discover more effective treatments, as well as vital patient support to help connect people with breast cancer education & information, emotional support, patient navigation, financial assistance and so much more. A diagnosis of breast cancer doesn’t just impact one area of a person’s life. It truly is a life changing situation for that person and all those around them! Support and research is crucial to help end breast cancer!

Ending breast cancer needs all of us. United together, we can support those who need help today, while fearlessly searching for tomorrow's cures.

Please join us in this fight by walking, donating, or sharing this link!

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We're all in and we need you with us.

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