Kellyann Taylor

Top Fundraiser

My Achievements

Top Fundraiser


Milestone: $100

$250 $250

Milestone: $250


Milestone: $500


Milestone: $1000


Milestone: $1500

Received Five Donations

My Story

My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 when I was just two years old. Every day since that diagnosis, my mother lived to the fullest, walking her beloved dogs, Mulligan and Porter, attending sporting events for me and my siblings, and enjoying summer days in Old Lyme. My mother lived by the statement, "faith not fear," and never let cancer inhibit her will to live life to the fullest, even when her diagnosis became stage IV and metastatic. Anyone who knew my mother knew her for her bright and outgoing personality. She was hilarious, and her laughter was always contagious. 

This June, my mother lost her battle, but she fought until the very end. In October, I, as well as my mother's family and friends, will walk in memory of her as well as the bravery and spunk she battled with every day for nearly the last 17 years. My mother lived a life that touched many others, and her grit deserves to be remembered. Please consider joining us as a part of Tricia's Crew or donating to help those who continue to battle cancer. 

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Kellyann's Donors Are MORE THAN PINK®!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Anderson Family
Geoff & Karan Emerick
Patricia Randall Taylor
McHugh Family
The Labrie Family
Derek and Anna Rojek
Sylvia Cosin
Linda Yorgensen
Kristen Cohane
Cassandra Brodeur
Connor Zisel
Sharon Murray
Patricia Sherburne
Jacob Morren
The Hatchells
Aaron Ngo
Olivia Anderson
Jim Crabb
Amelia French
Lilianne Rojek
Colleen Dooley
Caroline Puccini
G Nelson
Erin Rennie
Emma Snead
Lucas Chmela
Sara Grady