Please join our Team - Tricia's Crew!
My amazing sister, Tricia Taylor, passed away after an unbelievable 16 year battle against breast cancer. I am so very proud of her and this year we are reuniting and growing “Tricia’s crew” in an effort to eradicate this horrible disease! Tricia fought so hard for her beautiful family. She was the ultimate warrior and an extraordinary kind, faithful and joyful person! Please consider joining our team and/or donating in honor of the most amazing woman - Tricia Taylor
Your support helps us get one step closer to a world without breast cancer. Funds raised help support breakthrough research and provide assistance to those facing breast cancer today who need our support. Whether it’s emotional support via Komen’s helpline, financial support through Komen’s financial assistance program, or navigation services to break down barriers to care, Komen will be there for them.