Jana Pollard

My Achievements

Made a Personal Donation


Milestone: $100

$250 $250

Milestone: $250


Milestone: $500


Milestone: $1000

Hit My Goal

My Story

Breast cancer is a journey that no one should have to face alone. For my family, the support and resources provided by foundations like Susan G. Komen have been nothing short of life-changing. These organizations have not only been beacons of hope but also powerful allies in our fight against breast cancer.

In our family, breast cancer has touched the lives of several close relatives. My aunt was the first to be diagnosed. The news was devastating, but we found solace in the wealth of information and support available through organizations like Susan G. Komen. From understanding the diagnosis to exploring treatment options, the resources provided were invaluable.

The emotional toll of a breast cancer diagnosis is immense. Support groups and counseling services offered by these foundations provided my aunt a safe space to share her fears and triumphs. The sense of community and understanding she found there was a crucial part of her healing process.

Seeing women in my family and close friends overcome breast cancer has been a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the power of community. Their victories are not just personal triumphs but also a testament to the incredible work of foundations like Susan G. Komen. The dedication to supporting patients and funding groundbreaking research has made a tangible difference in our lives.

While we celebrate these victories, we know the fight against breast cancer is far from over. I remain committed to supporting foundations like Susan G. Komen in their mission to end breast cancer forever. Together, we can make a difference, one step at a time. 

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Jana Pollard
Jana Pollard