Ronni Weiner

More Than Pink Walk Alumni
Team Captain
Top Fundraiser

My Achievements

Top Fundraiser

Made a Personal Donation


Milestone: $100

$250 $250

Milestone: $250


Milestone: $500


Milestone: $1000


Milestone: $1500

Received Five Donations

My Story

On June 11, 2007 my life was changed forever. I went to scratch an itch and discovered a lump which was ultimately diagnosed as breast cancer. On July 12, 2024 I celebrated my 17th Anniversary as a breast cancer SURVIVOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am here today because I was not only very lucky, but I had access to the latest technology and medical care available. One of the driving forces behind my support for the Susan G. Komen organization over the past 18 years is that they are instrumental in providing accessibility to that same level of care to those who otherwise would not without their support. 

I Thank G-d everyday that I am a Survivor and I am again looking to you to share in my efforts to create many, many more Survivors!

With love,


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Ronni's Donors Are MORE THAN PINK®!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Ronni & David
Charles Shulman
Levine family
Alison and Peter
Lisa Rosenkrantz