Erin Medley

More Than Pink Walk Alumni

My Achievements

Made a Personal Donation


Milestone: $100

$250 $250

Milestone: $250


Milestone: $500


Milestone: $1000

Received Five Donations

Why I Walk

Every step I take in the Susan G. Komen MORE THAN PINK Walk is a step in memory of my mother, Mina Medley, who we lost to breast cancer in 2015. Each year, as I lace up my walking shoes, I am reminded of her strength and the battle she fought so bravely. This walk is more than a fundraiser; it's a personal tribute to her and a way to fight back against a disease that takes too much from too many.

I walk because I've seen firsthand the devastation breast cancer can cause, and I believe in the power of research and support services to save lives. The funds we raise during this event fuel groundbreaking research aimed at finding the cures and offer real-time help to those battling this disease. From emotional support provided by Komen’s helpline to financial aid through assistance programs, every dollar we raise makes a difference.

This year, I am once again committed to being a top fundraiser in New Jersey, not just for my mother, but for every individual facing this terrifying disease today and in the future. Your support can help us get closer to a world without breast cancer—a world where other daughters won’t have to walk in memory, but in celebration of lives saved.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to support my participation in the MORE THAN PINK Walk. Together, we can show every breast cancer patient that they are not alone, that a whole community stands with them. Join me in this vital fight by contributing to my fundraising efforts. Let’s make a difference together.

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Erin's Donors Are MORE THAN PINK®!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Jennifer St. Pierre
Kara Ryan
Bill Griner
Mr. Owen P Grover
Steven Miller
Mina Medley North Carolina
Tiffany Toliver
Erin Medley
Rebecca Nackson
Veronica Garcia
Georgianna Brown Mack
Andrew Zuckerman
Jenifer Blythe-Shivers
Noreen Elizabeth
Janet Arias