Joan Litt

More Than Pink Walk Alumni
Top Fundraiser

My Achievements

Top Fundraiser


Milestone: $100

$250 $250

Milestone: $250


Milestone: $500


Milestone: $1000


Milestone: $1500


Milestone: $2500

Received Five Donations

My Story

On Sunday, October 6th I will be participating in the Susan G. Komen New Jersey MORE THAN PINK Walk at Six Flags Great Adventure. As you all know this is an extremely personal event for me. October has always been a special month for me. It is when I was first diagnosed with breast cancer and when I happily
celebrate every special birthday each year.


I am especially blessed this year because I proudly celebrate 39 years as a breast cancer survivor!

I am so proud and honored to have led the 30+ Year Survivors in the procession at the Race in past years. I cannot express the emotions I felt as all the survivors were cheered with love by the thousands of race participants. I hope to be walking in person and celebrating once again alongside my thousands of sisters and supporters.

Every dollar helps bring us closer to a world without breast cancer. I hope you will support my fundraising efforts and together we can make a difference.

With much love and appreciation,


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Joan's Donors Are MORE THAN PINK®!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Bruce Litt
Pnyllis Freed
Carol and H Broder
Ms. Doris Litt Dingott
Esther Schwartz
Ms. Paula Masciulli
Rosemarie Netta-Levine
Judi Share
Eileen Lippman
Paulette Fallon
Toni Kahn
Ms. Barbara Musumeci
Mr. Morton A Plawner Or Marilyn R Plawner
David Wee
Diane Sohmer
Ms. Norma Plans
Mrs. Susan Balan
Mrs. Leslie Katz
Diane Mandel
Ellen Henkin
Melanie Mirenberg
Fay Klein Perlmutter
Alexis Weiss Abzug
Carolyn Linder Gillman
Barry Geller
Sandra Zicherman
Harriet Fessler Goodman
Michele Jabin
Mrs. Rima Katz
Ms. Carol Adelman
Carole Metzger
Alina Sivorinovsky Wickham
Marilyn Baldauf Cooney
Lea Laufgraben
Stacey Davis
Mrs. Susan Frankel
Rosalie Boyarsky
Barbara Reiss
Andrea Lee