Arlene Atkin

More Than Pink Walk Alumni
Team Captain
Top Fundraiser

My Achievements

Top Fundraiser

Made a Personal Donation


Milestone: $100

$250 $250

Milestone: $250


Milestone: $500


Milestone: $1000


Milestone: $1500


Milestone: $2500


Milestone: $5000

Received Five Donations



How do you measure it? CAN it even be measured?

For me, a quick rubber-stamp grade of personal gratitude is encapsulated by a number: 27.

Twenty-Seven is the number of years that have passed since I received the dreadful news of a cancer diagnosis on a beautiful spring day in 1997.

Twenty-Seven years marked by dread, terror, and despair on one end, filled with increasing hope, exciting scientific breakthroughs and unwavering support from family and friends, and extending through the years until today, where the passage of time is bound with a deep gratitude beyond measure.

In 2024 I commemorate 27 years of survival from breast cancer, a disease that strikes often, and too often fatally. 

The gift of survival is one that I strive to NEVER take for granted, and it's an especially potent reminder to me each October during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

As we all know, breast cancer affects EVERYONE.  Who among us has not supported or encouraged a friend or co-worker through treatment, been a caregiver to a family member, or had their heart sink at the news of yet another person who's been newly diagnosed? 

Each of us has our own story and connection to breast cancer. Please take a few minutes to let me tell you about mine.

Over 27 years ago -- May 21, 1997 to be exact -- I received the news that every woman fears:  You have breast cancer.

With no family history or apparent risk factors, only in my 30's and not even old enough for regular mammograms, I was a busy mom of 4 young children, trying to juggle family, career, and community commitments like so many of my contemporaries.  Though I found the lump myself on a routine self-exam, the confirmation that this was breast cancer was the last thing I expected!

But with a diagnosis of Stage IIIA Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma that had already spread to 5 lymph nodes under my armpit, I knew that I had to move fast and hit hard!  My arsenal of treatment over the next few months included surgery, high-dose chemotherapy, autologous stem cell transplant, radiation, and long-term hormonal therapy.  Almost a year later, with my chemo and radiation treatments done, I joined the growing sisterhood of breast cancer survivors, hopeful that I would be blessed with continuing good health, and more grateful than ever for every day of life.

Today the four young children who feared losing their mom are the parents of young children themselves, and I am incredibly grateful for the wonderful grandchildren that my husband and I have been blessed with -- an enormous gift considering that 27 years ago, I feared that I might never see my oldest graduate from high school!

As in past years, I'll be adding an additional strand of pink pearls to my treasured stash.  See the statement necklace I'm wearing in the picture on this page? It's not a pink lion's mane (though I love the Strength of a Lion connotation!) Each one of those strands of pink pearls represents one blessed year of survival, and I hope to make room for lots more around my neck.

This year I am excited to be joining thousands of friends and supporters in the ONE Komen community, where on October 6th we will walk together as one in the 2024 Susan G. Komen More Than PINK Walk at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, NJ. I am beyond proud to be joining the amazing and legendary Johnson & Johnson Team, and humbled to be returning as Captain of this awesome team! It is an honor to be leading this dedicated group of colleagues, friends, and family at this meaningful moment in my survival journey.

Whether or not you are in NJ or if you are a J&J colleague, former colleague, or a valued friend or supporter of this storied company -- please consider joining the J&J Team to help us raise funds for the Komen cause.

If fundraising is not your thing and you'd rather cheerlead from the remote virtual bleachers, that's great too!  Please consider making a tax-deductible donation today in support of my fundraising efforts.  Your donation means so much and its impact will benefit so many.

Your support helps us get ONE step closer to a world without breast cancer.  Funds raised help support breakthrough research and provide assistance to those facing breast cancer today who need our help.  Whether it's emotional support via Komen's helpline, financial support through Komen's treatment assistance program, or help navigating their care journey, Komen will be there for them.

In moments like this, your generosity can make a real difference.  Together, let's show breast cancer patients there's a whole community standing by their side.

Hoping I can count on your support today!

Forever grateful,


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Arlene's Donors Are MORE THAN PINK®!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Donny & Arielle Rosenberg
Arlene Atkin - MG
Amy Foley - MG
Chavie and Ira Roth
Jack & Arlene Atkin
Ariella Schwartz
Amy Foley
Tamara and Josh Brown
Christine O'Leary - MG
Eugene Corcoran - MG
Sharon Hirt
Howard Bressler
Ettie Bloom
Dennis Cosgrave
Gary Schechter
Marice Gerson and Marlene Cohen
Eugene Corcoran
Fraida Zweigbaum
Michael & Randi Lipkin
Rosanne Koenigson
Spatz FGIA Inc.
Christine OLeary
Leah Steinmetz
Sharona Bresler
Alan Kelin
Leslie Ostrin
Loren and Stuart Daitch
Zee & Danny Wildman
Gratzia Atkin
David Katzenstein
Sharon Roth
Shalom Stavsky
Alan Singer
Debra Bassan
Karen and Eugene Rosenthal
Ms. Helene F Lockspeiser