Tami Eng

More Than Pink Walk Alumni

My Achievements

Made a Personal Donation

Welcome to Tami's Komen 2024 Donation Page!

What am I doing?

I'm ready to resume paying it forward again and make a difference in the fight against breast cancer

As usual, I am fundraising on behalf of the Cancer Support Community. I couldn't have gotten through my cancer journey or especially my GI detour as easily w/o their support. I won't be team captain again 'cuz of my COPD as I'll be doing a virtual walk in my neighborhood instead on race day. I would love to have you come join me and/or support me w/ prayers and tax deductible contributions.

This year’s walk is going to be a very bittersweet experience for me as I no longer have Ha Gau, my lifesaver, walking buddy and mascot at my side anymore. 
HG discovered my cancer and brought it to my attn every single day 'til I reached out to my PCP. Throughout my cancer journey, she had been my walking buddy and mascot. She got me interested in walking and 'til her health failed last summer, was always at my side as I prepped for the past Komen Walks.

HG made a huge difference in my life and has left a huge void when she took matters into her own paws and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Black Friday. She's no longer by my side but will forever be in my heart and thoughts.
HG, 'til I join you again when my time comes, I will continue to participate in the Komen Walks as a reminder of how you encouraged my every step of the way on my road to recovery.

The Komen foundation came thru for me twice at $1000 a pop when I couldn't afford lymphedema compression garments, sleeves and gauntlets that my insurance wouldn't cover. I pay it forward now so that the Komen Foundation can come thru for others who might be in the same situation I was and need financial assistance during their cancer journey.

I’m still dancing w/ NED (No Evidence of Disease)! My 16th cancer-versary was in April. In honor of my 16 years of survivorship, thus far, please consider supporting my efforts for the 2024 Komen More Than Pink Walk by making a tax-deductible donation of $10 or more ideally before SEP 1st to be counted towards recognition of my fundraising efforts at this year's walk.  

You may donate online in honor of my name with your credit card, checking acct or PayPal by clicking the pink "DONATE" or "SUPPORT ME'' button. (Just to be clear, your donation goes directly to the Komen Foundation and not to me.)

Please enter YOUR name under Recognition Name so I can properly thank you. 

Early detection is one of the keys to surviving breast cancer. Your help and support is needed and greatly appreciated so that every woman will have access to this critical screening. We can save our (grand)daughters, our (grand)mothers, our sisters, nieces, aunts and friends through this effort.  Every dollar adds up. Even if you can't help me reach my fundraising goal at this time, your prayer support is much appreciated and needed. Your support helps us get another step closer to a world without breast cancer. 

Thanks in advance!


PS   I'd much rather you email me directly than leave me any notes in the comments section below as this site is only up for a few weeks each year. Thanks.

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Dr. Petrosyan
Rena Conn