Suzette Adams

Team Captain
Top Fundraiser

My Achievements

Top Fundraiser

Made a Personal Donation


Milestone: $100

$250 $250

Milestone: $250


Milestone: $500


Milestone: $1000


Milestone: $1500


Milestone: $2500

Received Five Donations

Hit My Goal

My Story

This year, I joined the Komen community and registered for the Susan G. Komen MORE THAN PINK Walk. 

My journey started in November of 2023, after a routine mammogram. I was diagnosed with stage 1 breast CA. I went through several biopsies, MRIs, scans, physician consults to determine the best course of action, In March of 2024, I had a Lumpectomy with sentinel node biopsy. To the surprise of my surgeon, one cancerous lymphnode was found, that never showed up on any of my scans. It was removed, as well as the breast CA. Then, I went through 5 weeks of radiation. Now, I'm on medication therapy for 2-5 yrs. The meds have really taken a toll on my body. But, Im not a quitter, I continue to work as an RN through this journey. I'm also working with my oncologist to find the right dosage that will work for me. Every day is a new day. I'm grateful for the coworkers, family and friends who have stood by me through this journey and continue to support me.

Your support helps us get one step closer to a world without breast cancer. Funds raised help support breakthrough research and provide assistance to those facing breast cancer today who need support. 
Will you please join me in this fight by making your donation today?
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Suzette's Donors Are MORE THAN PINK®!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Rodney Adams
Colton and Jordan Adams
Suzette and Suzette Adams
Donna Nelson
Nadine Finley
John Machado
Taylor and Todd Bennett
Jennifer Jerke-Lopez
Trish Gelberg
Lucy Flynn
Suzette and Suzette Adams
Ashley Aimonetti
Vivian Lopez
Iris Lopez
Karen Morris
Betty Holt
Bea Smith
David Duffield
Lori Onjukka
Suzette and Suzette Adams
William Lamb
Millie Belizaire
Alexis Davidson
Bridget Mercer
Sara Chiego
Caroline Howard
Theodore Lopez
Andy Beal
Tipton Sneed
Katherine Turner
Christine Bertone
Amanda Jablonski
Suzette and Suzette Adams
Shaun Lopez