Westgroup Designs

Our Story

As members of the WD team, we are proud to support Susan G. Komen® in their mission to end breast cancer forever. Our firm, founded in 1989, has always valued excellence and strong partnerships with our clients, believing that high-quality work is the result of attitude, enthusiasm for discovery, and a passion for design.

The funds our team raises will support vital research to discover more effective treatments and provide essential patient support. This includes breast cancer education, emotional support, patient navigation, financial assistance, and much more.

Just as we leverage design to help our clients achieve their goals in sectors like Education, Commercial, Civic, Retail, Health & Wellness, and Lifestyle, we believe in using our collective strength to make a difference in the fight against breast cancer. By supporting our team, you are helping to connect people with the resources they need today while fearlessly pursuing tomorrow's cures.

Ending breast cancer requires all of us. United together, we can provide hope and support to those affected. Please join us in this important cause by making your donation today.

Let's work together to design a future without breast cancer.

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