Veronica DeLeon

Team Captain

My Achievements

Made a Personal Donation


Milestone: $100

$250 $250

Milestone: $250


Milestone: $500

Received Five Donations

Hit My Goal

My Story

July 2023 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Triple Negative Breast Cancer. After going through chemo from September 14, 2023 to January 26, 2024, a double mastectomy, and radiation (and so much in between) I have been provided with the wonderful results of NED. Although I am still receiving immunotherapy and I have my reconstruction surgery pending my mind and spirit is still strong and positive. I hope we can find an end to breast cancer because I do not want my daughter, my granddaughter, my loved ones, or anyone to have to experience this heartbreaking and difficult journey. I have strength because of those who have lost their lives to this battle. I want to be strong for them and to fight for them. I hold them close to my heart forever. I love and appreciate the community and the support of all my pink sisters, friends, and family. 

Thank you! 

Veronica De Leon 

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Veronica DeLeon
Luis Urbina
Veronica DeLeon
Joel Urbina
Blanca Right Rubio
Adriana De La Torre
Instagram - Carmen Sanchez
Stephany Santin