Brenda Lowell

More Than Pink Walk Alumni
Team Captain

My Achievements

Brenda's Story

January 21, 2023 was the day I heard, "you have breast cancer".  The days and weeks after are still somewhat of a blur.  MRI, PET scans, blood work and waiting on biopsy results to know my specific cancer and how best to fight it.  HER2 Triple Positive Ductal Carcinoma stage 3 with lymph involvement was the conclusion and within three weeks, my team was built (Dr. Link, Dr. Guerra, Dr. Lawton) a port placed in my chest and off to my first 7 hour chemotherapy where I met some of the most courageous, and incredible nurses that I will treasure always.  After months of chemo, working full time and somehow making it to tour colleges with my son, on July 31st I underwent a double mastectomy.  Little did I know that I would be asked to continue with Chemo after surgery and yes, it was a low spot but we do what we must and I have been so incredibly blessed with the most supportive husband, son, family, friends and clients who kept my spirits up!  I simply could not have made it without each and every one of you.  I continue to wake up every morning, take my medication and fight!

Today I have no detectable cancer, please consider walking with me to celebrate this year and help those effected by Breast Cancer.

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Brenda Lowell
Melissa Klug
Eileen Thomas
Granaz Movahed