Alyson Welsh

More Than Pink Walk Alumni
Team Captain

My Achievements


Milestone: $100

My Story

Thank you for joining TEAM AJ!  My story started four years ago when I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 47 years old.  I actually had two different types of cancer, one tumor in each breast.  After meeting with my oncologist & surgeon, I started the grueling 34 rounds of chemotherapy & infusions. About half way though I had a double mastectomy followed by several reconstruction surgeries.  After finishing all my chemo, I had a hysterectomy to prevent my cancer from attacking my ovaries (which my type of cancer tends to like to do).  Thankfully I am two years cancer free and devoted to working with Susan G Komen to raise funds to continue their research into new breast cancer treatments and genetic research for people who have heard "You Have Breast Cancer."  I hope you will join me in supporting TEAM AJ!

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