Ruth Brajevich

More Than Pink Walk Alumni

My Achievements

Made a Personal Donation


Milestone: $100

$250 $250

Milestone: $250


Milestone: $500


Milestone: $1000


Milestone: $1500


Milestone: $2500

Received Five Donations

Hit My Goal


In 2011, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 Breast Cancer.  I was fortunate to have caught the cancer early and went into remission.  My younger sister was also diagnosed when she was pregnant with her 4th child several years later.  Unfortunately, her cancer was more advanced.  After a healthy delivery and several years in remission, her cancer came back and we lost her in March of 2021.  This very real disease that predominately impacts women affects a staggering 1 in 8 women and 1 IN 7 in Orange County.     

For the 13th year, I will be joining the Ware Malcomb team at the Komen Orange County MORE THAN PINK Walk.   I would be forever grateful for your support.  What that might look like?   A tax deductible donation, join us for the walk and/or even just sharing our efforts is so greatly appreciated.    Thank you for your support!!  

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Ruth's Donors Are MORE THAN PINK®!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Ware Malcomb
Nicole Lambard
Lacy Schoen
Molly Walsh
Thashika Perera
Dawn Riegel
Caryn Siebert
Peter Marcus
Brianna Montgomery
Ruth Brajevich
Kimberly Roush
Lorry Lynn
Yvette Tatoulian
Laura and Adam Rider
Nicol Vargas
Tanya Daly
Danitza Johnson
David Green