Bridget Cullen

More Than Pink Walk Alumni
Team Captain

My Achievements

My Story

This year I am doing the Komen walk in memory of those who didn't make it and those currently dealing with breast cancer. Back in 2018 I was diagnosed with stage four metastatic breast cancer in the ER at Hillcrest at 5:30 in the morning. The physician's assistant thought I was faking the pain I was in and he was  being an overall prick. I asking for a CT thinking I might have kidney stones and after some back and forth he allowed me to have one. Mom and I waited for a long time until the attending doctor came in very somber, introduced himself and told me I had stage 4 cancer that had spread and that they were going to admit me immediately. Mom and I looked at each other and said "cancer?" at the same time. I asked for pain meds finally while she called Dad and told him. Very shortly after that they found me a room so I sent Mom home to sleep a bit since we had been up all night, I laid in my hospital bed and wondered how I was going to tell everyone. Before I could send a single text or make a call a nurse came in and moved me to a private room (cancer perk). I remember getting a text from one friend asking how things were and texting him back that I was in hospital with cancer and his only response was "Fuck." Still not sure of the proper etiquette for informing my friends and relatives I called to wish a friend happy birthday and said," Happy birthday I have cancer." She still hasn't forgotten that. 

       I think I'm rambling so fast forward several years and here I am. I have an amazing support squad and countless prayer warriors that keep me going. I could never express how grateful I am for every last one of you. I had decided from that hospital bed that I was not going to let this diagnoses stop me and it's a great reason to do weird stuff. I am ordained to perform weddings in the state of Ohio and have done a few. I came out of retirement to work again for 364 days, turns out that was not for me. I plan to get licenses to do more things in the future and keep going.

     Please consider donating to support the best fundraiser I've ever done in honor of me, or come walk with us, my crew and I have done this for years now and it's become one of my favorite events of the year to reunite with friends and family to walk for a cure for me (hopefully).

         They can treat me but they can't cure me...yet.

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