Jennifer Kramer

More Than Pink Walk Alumni
Top Fundraiser

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Made a Personal Donation


Milestone: $100

$250 $250

Milestone: $250


Milestone: $500


Milestone: $1000


Milestone: $1500


Milestone: $2500

My Story

This will be my fourth year walking for the Susan G. Komen Walk Where You Are event. It will be my third year walking without my sister Tracy as my biggest cheerleader. 

In 2018 both my Mom and sister were diagnosed with breast cancer.  My mom has since graduated to survivors care at Sloan Kettering in October of 2022.  Tracy, my sister, was not as fortunate.  Tracy had two types of breast cancer and overall a harder treatment plan. Tracy went through chemo prior to surgery to shrink her tumors, followed by surgery,  more chemo, radiation and then reconstructive surgery.  Her remission was short lived. In July of 2021 she had learned her breast cancer metastasized to her pleura, then her bones and eventually her brain. On June 12, 2022 we said goodbye to Tracy and our lives were forever changed.  

If you had the pleasure of knowing Tracy you know what a huge presence she was. She was kind, smart, funny, she wasn't afraid of embarrassing herself, or us for that matter. She would make strangers feel like family. She would do anything to make you laugh and be there for you when you cried. She loved her job as a teacher, and has made a huge impact on many of her students. She made learning fun, she taught the same way she lived, with compassion, humor and love.

I am honored, thankful and blessed that she was my sister, and I am heartbroken that she is gone.  

So, I will walk every year in honor of my mom and in memory of my sister.

My hope is that one day nobody will have to watch their loved one suffer from breast cancer, my dream would be for a breast cancer free world.

Please consider donating if you can.

Thank you for your support!

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Jennifer's Donors Are MORE THAN PINK®!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Timbo Baggins
Bob Corcoran
Daria and John Roulett
Sam Dee
Donna Swartz
Brienne Williams
Jennifer Loucks-Cordero
Madeline Murray
Michele Krumholz
Kelly Escobar
Donna Piscitello
Erica King
Mark Filippone
Melissa Martin
Maggie DeJosia
Tracey Abel
Robin Reid