Paving the Pink Path for Kathy

Our Story

We Walk for Kathy: Fight Breast Cancer with Us!

Welcome to our ONE Komen community team page! We're a passionate group united by a powerful cause: ending breast cancer forever in support of Susan G. Komen®.

This year, our walk holds a special meaning. We're walking in honor of our mother, grandmother, wife, friend ... Kathy Sinotte.

Kathy's breast cancer journey began in June 2023 with concerning pains, leading to a mammogram and a devastating diagnosis in August. The following month was a whirlwind of tests, culminating in the confirmation of stage 3 breast cancer that had spread to the lymph nodes. After four months of chemotherapy, Kathy had double mastectomy/reconstruction surgery. Then there was the radiation treatments. And now Kathy is in the final stretch of her journey completing clean-up chemotherapy that concludes fall of 2024.

Kathy's story is a powerful reminder of why we fight. The funds raised through our team will support research for better treatments and vital patient care, like screenings and support services that Kathy relied on during her journey.

We're stronger together. United as ONE, we can make a difference for Kathy and countless others facing breast cancer. With your donation, we can fund research, provide crucial support, and bring hope for a cure.

Please join us in this fight by making a donation today. Every dollar counts!

Let's walk together for Kathy and a future free from breast cancer!

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