Mary Ficco

Team Captain

My Achievements

Made a Personal Donation


Milestone: $100

$250 $250

Milestone: $250

Received Five Donations

My Story.


4.22.2015 At age 45 I heard the words “You have Breast Cancer”! My life changed forever! My twin boys were 8 at the time and the only thing I could think about was that I can not let them grow up without a Mom. 

My Cancer spread to my lymph nodes with cancer cells found outside of the nodes! I will never be “Cancer Free” but I have “No Evidence of Disease” for the last 9 years and I will take it! I consider myself extremely Blessed as I had a “normal” 3D mammogram 6 months before I felt the lump that had already spread. It is believed my dense breast tissue prevented the Mammogram from detecting the cancer! 

A few weeks before being diagnosed I felt the lump while in the shower. I brushed it off for a few days but kept feeling it. I called my OBGYN who felt it too and ordered another Mammogram with Ultrasound. From there a the Radiologist decided to biopsy an area of density she could not see too well and luckily she did. I decided to have a double mastectomy due to family history even though my Genetic came back negative for the BRCA genes. The pathology from the mastectomy showed that the Cancer had spread to my armpit and clavicle area lymph nodes with cancer to have spread outside the nodes! I think now if I had waited ….. it most likely would have spread to another organ or bones and be Stage 4 Metastasic Breast Cancer! 
I thank God for every day and I hope and pray for a cure one day and starting with pediatric cancer! 

Shortly after finishing treatments I was so honored to walk as a Survivor in the Mother’s Day Race for the Cure and excited to be able to walk again with family and friends! I walk for those who cannot - those who sadly lost their battle with Breast Cancer.. my beautiful friend Christina and Aunt Kay and so many others. 

I would love for family and friends to join me again this year - walk with me if you can and/or make a donation. Please join the team and share the link. 

Your support helps us get ONE step closer to a world without breast cancer. Funds raised help support breakthrough research and provide assistance to those facing breast cancer today who need our support.  Whether it’s emotional support via Komen’s helpline, financial support through Komen’s treatment assistance program, or help navigating their care journey, Komen will be there for them.

In moments like this, your generosity can make a real difference. Together, let’s show breast cancer patients there’s a whole community standing by their side.

Will you please join me in this fight by making a donation today?

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Mary's Donors Are MORE THAN PINK®!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Nicole Cole
Deena Dean
Cheryl McCullough
Debbie Dartnell
Karen Smith
Mary Ficco, Noreen Hand
. Iqvia
Denise Stoneback
Theresa Latsko
Linda Everett
Mary Ficco
Angela Cubbler
Julie Moore