Geoffrey Kolton

Team Captain
Top Fundraiser

My Achievements

Top Fundraiser

Made a Personal Donation


Milestone: $100

$250 $250

Milestone: $250


Milestone: $500


Milestone: $1000


Milestone: $1500


Milestone: $2500


Milestone: $5000

Received Five Donations

My Story

Too many people have experienced what my family went through on March 7th, 2024. I received a call on my way home from work with words that no brother wants to hear “Kasey has cancer”. Kasey Lipinski, my sister, and mother of two lively little girls, was diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer. Last month Kasey started her journey to conquer this dreaded disease. My sister has an uphill battle over the next year with chemo, surgery & radiation, but she is tough, she is resilient and going to beat this. Cancer is scary, but no one fights alone, and I am here to support her & Susan G Kormen's cause to find a permanent cure for this horrible disease, so no family has to get that dreaded call.  

It is my personal goal to make as much light I can out of this situation using my connections and platform!  Please help!!

Remember no donation is too small. 

Please help me in efforts to reach my fundraising goals!   

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Geoffrey's Donors Are MORE THAN PINK®!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Dan Caste
Lisa Morrison
Zach Juliano
William Gilmartin
Bryan Churilla
Geoffrey Kolton
Mark Bergamasco
Camille Lipinski
Donna DeFife
Brandon and Taylor Charriere
Lori Luba
Laura Mae Miller
Hester Family
The Komaniak family
Amanda Pryzmenski
Andrew Weston
Lynda and Fred sorch
Donna and Dave Jablonowski
Erik Carlberg
Mollie Pifer
Cynthia J Smith
Todd Leighton
Kelly Straw
Vanessa Mitchko
Cheryl Scherger
Lauren Faddish
Michael Katchur
Ardis Pivik
Kathy Oxenreiter
Chrissy Hays
Donald Young
Frances Connolly
Mike Monstrola
Jess Nolte
Bonnie McKinney
Lyndsay Belden
Barbara Charriere
John Young
Lisa Klasterka-Domke
Lou Bell
Angela Pfefferkorn
Abby Zvaigzne
Darlene Durand
Zack White
The Orlic Family
Mike & Penny Bonura
Paul & Bobbi Cass
Nick Tedesco
Mary Jo Bernazzoli
Kelly Kulczyski
Chris Marie Fanto
Jessica Huffman
Leslie Long
Justin Mccallister
Matt Obranovich
DeGennaro Family
Kimberly Obranovich
Marjorie Carter
Frances Hardic
Ellen Dorazio
Alison Ruby
Jena Simpson
Lisa Wyke Lisa Wyke
Obranovich Family
Ali Farrell
Mallory Melodini
Maura Grace
Anthony Pappis
Angela De Felice
Erin Liposky