Survivor Support Squad

Our Story

As we gear up for this year's breast cancer walk, I want to extend a heartfelt invitation to each and every one of you to join our cause and make a difference in the fight against this disease. Last fall, my world was shaken when my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. The journey was challenging, but thanks to regular screenings, advancements in treatment and the unwavering support of loved ones, she completed her radiation treatments in February. Witnessing her resilience and strength firsthand has ignited a fire within me to do everything in my power to support the search for a cure.

But my mother isn't the only one in our family who has faced this battle. My aunt is also a survivor, proving that with determination and the right resources, we can conquer even the toughest challenges.

By joining this team and raising funds for breast cancer research, we are not only honoring wonder women like my mother Joan and aunt Lisa, but also paving the way for a future where breast cancer is no longer a threat. Every step we take and every dollar we raise brings us closer to that goal.

So let's lace up our sneakers, crack open those piggy banks, and make a difference! Together, we can turn hope into action and support those who are currently battling breast cancer, as well as those who will face it in the future.

Join me and let's walk towards a world without breast cancer!

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We're all in and we need you with us.

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