Mary's Angels

Our Story

Team Mary’s Angels

    My children originally introduced me to the first St. Louis Komen Race for the Cure as well as other breast cancer awareness programs.  When I was diagnosed, I broke the news to them with: “Thank you for helping cancer survivors with your past races; now I need the support!”   During my treatment, my family and friends gave me all types of angels, from small pins to large garden statues and all sizes in between. For 21 years now, as a survivor, I captain a team dedicated to those who supported me under the name of Mary’s Angels, to race/walk until we get a Cure.  During these 21 years, I have meet, helped and been helped by many courageous women with breast cancer. Some are survivors for whom I walk each year in celebration. Some lost their battle, so I walk in memory of their courage and fight. Life is worth fighting for!! Over the years as a small team we have raised over $25,000 to help in the fight.  So again in 2024, I ask my dearest family and friends to join me in support of Mary’s Angels.  For each one of you is a special angel to me!!

Please join us in this fight by making your ONE donation today?

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