Cindy Livingston

My Achievements

This year - in Memory of Jerri


This year, we are walking in memory of my mom, Jerri Livingston, a longtime supporter of the Susan G. Komen Foundation. If you are in St. Louis, and able to join us, please do! If you can't be there in person, please consider making a tax-deductible donation today in support of my fundraising efforts and in memory of my awesome mom. She was a fundraising leader for Komen, I have big shoes to fill!

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Cindy's Donors Are MORE THAN PINK®!
Fundraising Honor Roll
Linda, Jill and Jane Schwimmer
Richard Wollenberger
The Arnold Family
Tara Kornblum
Sara Levin
Missy Korenblat-Hanin
Jane & Jim Grossman
The Berkowitzim
Ruby Benkendorf
Jillian Manko
Ronna Schneider
Richard Brickson
Aric Fine
Kathy Zigler
Joseph Pereles
Victoria Siegel
Scott Hertz
Cindy Livingston
Leslie Moynihan
P'nenah Goldstein
Leonard Smith
Michael Fields
Erin Herbst
Neighbor Alice
Renee Silverstein
Danielle Greenblatt
Laurie Livingston
Carolyn Goldwasser
Sharon Sloane
Rose Newman
Louise Mass
Lisa Streicher
Sara Sparks
Jodi Roberts
Rebecca Rund
Beth Mayer
Alyse Finkel Oysgelt
Jody Waldman
Liessa Alperin
Linda Blasi
Elaine Amitin
Linda Rubin
Janine Schloss
Barbara Feldacker
Shelly Gordon
Matthew Feinberg
Diane Maier
Kate O'Bannon
Melissa Winstead
Robin Beth
Bobbee Griff
Alan Banaszynski
Rachael Badt
Larry Melnick
Debbi Braunstein
Marsha Schuman
Sarah Klaven
Leslie Freeman
Angie Brownawell
Lisa Wyman-Mallis
Shelli Netherton
Carly Scaduto
Cynthia Seltzer
Reva Reichman
Susan Bosse
Dana Rubin
Hayley Ornstein
Bonnie Rosen
Martha Perlmutter
Marci Eisen
Erin Schreiber
Marla Parvey
Frank Mix
Phyllis Garfield
Linda Sandmel
Harriet Colonna Shanas
Janet Weil-True
Samuel Frenkel