It's that time of year for the 24 hour challenge to bring awareness to, and raise money to fight, cancer in all of its dreadful forms. Due to my recent foot surgery I have made a few changes to this years event. Beginning at 1:00 pm on Thursday, May 30 I will be peddling a bike around the track at La Jolla HS 273.8 miles and then jogging/walking a marathon - 26.2 miles around the track, for a grand total of 300 miles. The goal is to finish around 1:00 pm on Friday, May 31. Due to safety concerns and care for the track, no other bikes will be allowed on the track. There will be lots of space/lanes open for people to come out and run/walk while I am peddling or running over the 24 hour period. I will be off the bike and on foot from 11:00 pm until 2:00 am, from 5:00 am until 8:00 am, and then from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm when I finish if you want to time it to be there when I'm not peddling, but all are welcome on the track any time during the event. Please come out and join me for a few laps to show your support in fighting cancer. And if you can, please donate by clicking on the donate button.